2013 06 Welfare Advantages. Church leaders request an apology through the national federal government for misrepresenting advantage claimants
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Church leaders request an apology through the national federal federal government for misrepresenting advantage claimants
On 7 June 2013 an alliance of Churches christians that bi weekly installment repayment loans in Iowa are representing England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland penned into the Prime Minister requesting an apology with respect to the us government for misrepresenting the indegent. The page highlights three present samples of just exactly exactly how senior people in the us government have given down “misleading and inaccurate details about individuals on benefits”:
The church leaders turn to the Prime Minister to ensure “the record is put directly, and that statistics are no longer manipulated in a real means which stigmatises the poorest within our culture”.
Bishops and Church leaders call on national ministers to apologise can be obtained through the web site of this Methodist Church. Follow this link. For the text regarding the letter view here.
national claims it thinks that housing benefit can continue being compensated to users regarding the most of shelters, despite present Upper Tribunal judgment
Following a Upper Tribunal judgment, in OR v Secretary of State for Perform and Pensions & Isle of Angelsey C.C (HB) [2013] UKUT 65 (AAC), noted into the might 2013 improvement (click the link), where Judge Wright held that a evening shelter isn’t a dwelling which is why housing advantage is payable, the DWP while the Department for Communities and municipality (DCLG) have actually released an email to regional authorities to deal with ‘misunderstandings’ about the part of housing advantage in evening shelters.
The DWP/DCLG note dated 19 June 2013 (just click here) claims that, in the choice the judge managed to get clear that this situation ended up being restricted to a unique facts that are particular claimed expressly that the scenario had not been meant to prescribe exactly just just how housing benefit claims for rough sleepers must certanly be determined, and that –